Welcome to BLNG FT

Welcome to BLNG FT
Together For a Better Future

BLNG-FT 1 - PIMUS FC 2 (28/05/2008)

The winning goal came in the last minute where there was some misunderstanding between the goalie and defender...
Hope they took some pictures last nite hehehe...
Sorry guys couldnt make it, ill be back next week
(Pictures will be up krg d rumah) - updated

Starting line up : Sairol @ Kuyat, Danny Lim, Jaz, Nazrul, Saiful, Faiz, Hj Fakrul, Yusof, Hj Mazlan, Yus, and Baz.

Reserve: Rosmali.
Second reserve : Radzi and Lim Khock Hing.
MOTM : Hj Fakrul
Blng goal : Yus.
Injured : Kuyat & Me *hehe*


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So what do you think? hehehe...bermalam kali ahhh membuat ani hehehe...


BLNG-FT 2 - 3 CP7

...Pictures of our Recent Match...

a Recent game pictures of us and special farewell game for Zul who left us for some "new" ppl...sniff sniff...

It was a good game, possessino was mostly from BLNG but unfortunately the better outcome was CP7, they were tought becuase they were aggressive and as for me one thing ive learned is that never attack the goalkeeper cause they will get u hard...



How's this for photographer? hahaha..check out the guys in red hehehe...



Always where your safe guard...for example your shin guard *lurus kah spelling ah* Try not to end up like me...


WeLComE to Brunei LNG FootBall TeaM (BLNG-FT)

Hi guys my name is Mr.BLNGfootball, welcome to my humblehumble website...at the moment ive been brought to this website for a temporary due to copyright design...

Guys...this is just a start for our New Web BLNG-FT...just matter of time for me to upgrade it to a better look...hehehehe..soooo hold on, put ur seat belt on and we are going for a ride